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Updated, zondag 26 januari 2003
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Amsterdam, 7 October 2001

US and UK Forces Strike against Afghanistan
Ultimatum not met

On Sunday October 7th around 16:00 hour GMT the United States and UK forces started firing  on targets in Afghanistan.

In a television address President Bush announced the reprisal attacks to the American people. 

More than two weeks ago, I gave Taliban leaders a series of clear and specific demands:  Close terrorist training camps; hand over leaders of the al Qaeda network; and return all foreign nationals, including American citizens, unjustly detained in your country.  
None of these demands were met.  And now the Taliban will pay a price.  By destroying camps and disrupting communications, we will make it more difficult for the terror network to train new recruits and coordinate their evil plans.


Amsterdam, 4 October 2001  

Blair Speech offers a wider vision 
for a world in turmoil

In his speech before the Labour party Conference in Brighton Blair took the fight one step further. 
He committed himself and Britain firmly as a frontrunner in the fight against terrorism. But he wants to go much further in the cooperation in the globalisation of the world. 

"But globalisation is a fact and, by and large, it is driven by people.

Not just in finance, but in communication, in technology, increasingly in culture, in recreation. In the world of the internet, information technology and TV, there will be globalisation. And in trade, the problem is not there's too much of it; on the contrary there's too little of it.

The issue is not how to stop globalisation.

The issue is how we use the power of community to combine it with justice. If globalisation works only for the benefit of the few, then it will fail and will deserve to fail. But if we follow the principles that have served us so well at home - that power, wealth and opportunity must be in the hands of the many, not the few - if we make that our guiding light for the global economy, then it will be a force for good and an international movement that we should take pride in leading.

Because the alternative to globalisation is isolation.

Diplomatic Activity

Amsterdam, 4 October 2001

Developments in world politics in the aftermath of the 11th of September disaster are speeding up rapidly at the moment.


The Americans and British are producing convincing evidence today that Osama bin Laden is the mastermind behind the attack.


The Pakistani Government have seen the evidence and stated publicly that they think it will hold up in court. It is the first Islamic country that acknowledges these facts and is therefore an important step in the coalition building of the United States. 


Yesterday the Nato Sec. Gen. Lord Robertson declared that the evidence is convincing, that all signs pin point to Osama bin Laden. It means that by agreement of the Nato Charter art. 5 is in full motion. "An attack on one is an attack on all members of Nato."

| For more, continue.. . |

Amsterdam, 21 September

 Bush sets demands to Taliban 

an extraordinary address to a joint session of Congress and the House of Representatives

In an extraordinary joint session of the US Congress and the House or Representatives, the American President George W. Bush has set four clear cut demands to the Taliban regime in Afghanistan.

| For more, continue.. . |

Amsterdam, 21 September 2001

 Afghan Clerics will ask Bin Laden to leave 

The American government suspected immediately after the WTC attack Usama bin Laden as the mastermind behind it. Usama bin Laden is hiding out in Afghanistan, where he controls several terrorist training camps. 

The Americans asked the ruling Taliban fundamentalist regime of Afghanistan to extradite him. 

The day before the Bush speech in Congress thousand Clerics from all over Afghanistan gathered to meet in a Ulema on the issue.

In their verdict they condemned President Bush over his talking of a crusade. " This news has hurt the feelings of Muslims and has posed a major threat to the world" the verdict said.

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